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What to Know About the BBL Moxi Photofacial Kim Kardashian Loves

By: Beauty Coordinators


Celebrities are always seeking the fountain of youth and we love to try out the same treatments.  Luckily, this treatment is also available at Body+Beauty Lab in Philadelphia!

Los Angeles-based plastic surgeon Dr. Ashkan Ghavami tells PEOPLE that this treatment is like the fountain of youth for your skin.  Dr. Ghavami spoke to PEOPLE further about why this procedure is gaining popularity. With the BBL Photofacial and MOXI working together, he says, skin can become younger looking and smoother virtually overnight: "It's the closest thing we have right now to a fountain of youth because your skin, on a histological cellular level, is going backwards in time."

What Is Moxi?  At Body+Beauty Lab, our skilled aesthetic team provides MOXI™ skincare treatments for gentle maintenance of healthy skin. Similar to BBL but with less overall downtime, we can perform MOXI to treat uneven skin tone and texture, sun damage, signs of aging, and hyperpigmentation. During a consultation at our facility, our team can determine if you may be an ideal candidate for a MOXI treatment for overall skin rejuvenation.

Who is a Candidate For BBL + Moxi?  A great candidate for BBL and MOXI is any individual dealing with hyperpigmentation or unevenly textured skin. This could be due to sun damage, damaged capillaries, rosacea, or acne. Both treatments can also help make your skin look younger by initiating the production of collagen. Depending on the types of filter and modality that are used, BBL and MOXI can be used as a therapy and/or maintenance regimen for a wide array of skin conditions. Prior to receiving treatment, our team will explain how this technology might help achieve your cosmetic goals.

This exciting therapy utilizes cutting-edge technology to improve the appearance and texture of your skin, regardless of what skin condition you might be experiencing. By creating youthful, glowing, and even skin, BBL and MOXI will help you renew your confidence about your appearance. To learn more about BBL and MOXI treatments and if they are the perfect choice for you, call Body+Beauty Lab to set up a consultation.

Call Body+Beauty Lab to schedule (215)258-8301

To read full People article, CLICK HERE 

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.