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Will A Masseter Injection Make My Face Appear Slimmer?

By: Beauty Coordinators


Most people are aware of how BOTOX® can be used to relax dynamic lines and wrinkles on the face for a smoother, more youthful appearance. You may be surprised to learn, however, that BOTOX has a number of other exciting cosmetic and functional uses. In fact, patients suffering from hyperhidrosis – or excessive sweating – often receive BOTOX injections under their arms to stay dry and reduce body odor!

When it comes to enhancing your image, one of the lesser-known – though highly beneficial – ways that BOTOX can be used is to slim the face and create a more appealing jawline. The exceptional team at Body+Beauty Lab in Philadelphia, PA is proud to offer nonsurgical facial slimming using the most innovative and effective treatments and techniques, including masseter BOTOX injection. If you are looking for a convenient, long-lasting, and nonsurgical solution for achieving a more feminine and beautiful face shape, BOTOX masseter injection may be right for you.

What is the masseter muscle?

The masseter muscle is a parallelogram-shaped muscle that connects the lower jawbone to the cheekbone and plays a major role in chewing. In some cases, the masseter muscle can become enlarged or thickened, contributing to a boxy or square face shape. This can be particularly problematic for women, causing them to appear heavier or more masculine than they actually are. Fortunately, masseter injection with BOTOX can help reduce the size of the muscle and restore a slimmer, more feminine facial contour for female patients. Men can also achieve a more natural-looking jawline and face shape through BOTOX masseter reduction.

Why does the masseter muscle get thicker?

There are a number of reasons why men and women in Philadelphia, PA may notice an enlargement, thickening, or protrusion of their masseter muscles, including:

  • Genetics
  • Ethnicity (Asian patients tend to have naturally thicker masseter muscles)
  • Nighttime clenching (bruxing) and grinding
  • Excessive chewing
  • Chewing on one side only

How does masseter BOTOX slimming work?

During masseter slimming at Body+Beauty Lab, patients will sit or lie comfortably in one of our private treatment rooms. If needed, a topical anesthetic can be applied to the treatment site, though most people tolerate the mild discomfort of BOTOX injection well even without a numbing agent. After the site has been cleansed and prepared, one of our highly experienced and knowledgeable providers will strategically inject BOTOX into the masseter muscle on each side of the jaw. Because the masseter muscle is near other important facial muscles and structures, it is critical to select a provider that is extremely familiar with how to inject BOTOX into the masseter. When performed incorrectly, or by an inexperienced injector, the treatment can lead to unwanted side effects, including asymmetry or a crooked smile, though these are usually temporary.

Following the treatment, which requires virtually no downtime, patients are free to return to their normal daily routines for the most part, though it may be recommended to refrain from strenuous physical exercise for a short amount of time. Over the next several weeks, the BOTOX will gradually cause the masseter muscle to atrophy, weaken, and thin out. Patients should notice a dramatic improvement in the shape and width of their face after about a month.

How much BOTOX is needed for masseter reduction?

The amount of BOTOX needed for masseter slimming can vary from patient to patient, depending on the severity of the concerns and other factors. Our knowledgeable team at Body+Beauty Lab will thoroughly evaluate your face and discuss your goals in order to determine how many units should be adequate to help you achieve your ideal outcome. In many cases, patients begin to require fewer units of BOTOX with consistent treatment over time.

How long does masseter BOTOX last?

One exciting aspect of masseter slimming with BOTOX is that the effects typically last longer than when BOTOX is injected into other parts of the face. For instance, BOTOX for Crow’s feet and forehead lines usually needs to be injected every 3 – 4 months, while BOTOX for masseter slimming often lasts up to six months before a touch-up is required.

Am I a good candidate for BOTOX masseter reduction in Philadelphia, PA?

Most men and women who are in good health and have concerns about the shape of their face due to a thick masseter muscle can be considered for nonsurgical face slimming with BOTOX. With a variety of other injectable treatments for nonsurgical jawline contouring available, it is important to consult with an experienced and knowledgeable professional to determine which treatment, or combination of treatments, may best help you achieve your goals.

Call Body+Beauty Lab in Philadelphia, PA to schedule your one-on-one consultation with our expert team of medical and skin care professionals, or take advantage of a convenient online consultation from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Don’t wait any longer; start feeling comfortable in your own skin and confident about your look with BOTOX masseter reduction today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.